Successful partner sales enablement is the holy grail of many SaaS companies, yet most struggle to develop a meaningful program. One tech company that does it absolutely right? HubSpot.

We might be a bit biased because we’re a HubSpot Platinum Agency Partner, but hear me out…

As you might expect, HubSpot has a robust video training library (with fun printable certificates!), in-person partner events, a marketing resource library and tons of sweet swag. But they also offer partners the chance for small group learning with top execs in the company.

Having recently completed one of those sessions—an 8-week online Sales Skills Bootcamp—I thought I’d share the tips THEY are teaching agency partners to close more deals…are YOU helping internal and external reps do the same? After all, even the most seasoned sales reps could use a refresher course.

Find the gap

What is your prospect doing today? Where do they want to be in the future? And how can you help them get there?

Sounds like Problem Solving 101, but taking this approach helps identify that all-important gap that needs to close in order to achieve the client’s goals. That said, don’t automatically assume your platform will be the fix. Be naturally curious and listen with an open mind…and be honest if your software won’t be a fit.

Ask why

So your prospect wants to move to the cloud…why? Because it’s scalable. And why is that important? Because they want to grow by 35% next year. Why that specific number? Because they just went through a funding round and have to report back to their investors.

By asking “why” even one or two more times than normal, you’ll get to the REAL pain point. And once you know that, you can stop selling your product and start solving their problems.

Anchor value

Is a $50,000 annual subscription fee expensive? Before your prospect has a chance to think “yes,” compare it to the alternatives.

How much would it cost to hire an internal developer to code a program from scratch? How much will it increase revenue or profit? Always compare the cost of your software to other solutions (or even to the price of inaction) to anchor value and validate the investment.

Tech Marketing Survey Series: Sales + Marketing Alignment in the Real World